The Pro Wrestling Exuberant covers a wide range of topics from both the current scene of professional wrestling and the past, as well as showcases wrestling merchandise like figures, books and DVDs spanning 40 years.
An award-winning, independent, nonprofit publisher of curated short story fiction every Thursday from our monthly magazine. Paid subscription support writers!
Stuff and nonsense about the nerdings-out I do on a thrice-weekly basis. Memoir, cultural commentary, literary analysis, theatrical and academic rantings. Unhinged personal essays. Pub reviews. Cool? Cool.
Author Payout = $100 + 50% of subscription revenue. No Fee to Apply. Readers get one quality story a month and support artists with their contributions.
For all my fiction readers out there! Get inspired! Fall in love with Short Story!
Meditations and Open Letters paired with art and journaling prompts to help you fill your sketchbook, journal and heart with a 10 minutes of Creative Joy. By award-winning illustrator Adam Ming.
Straight talk about indie fiction and publishing, pro tips for fellow writers on editing and design, and some stuff about ancient history and mythology—including my debut novel, Of Wind and Wolves, set among the ancient Scythian horsemen of the steppes.