Welcome to the 🥳1st chatter thread🥳! I will make this a reoccurring chat thread every Saturday as a cooldown from all the - what I feel - uploads and go.
This is a free, public thread. Anyone can comment on it, even lurkers. If you ever want this to be just a community thread between the 143 readers, then these chat threads will be turned paid. That’s always an option. For now, it’s free.
Please do not share any personal information. Please respectful to each other.
This thread is about introductions and opportunities.
So, again I am Marie Shadows.
Once worked for WWE.
Once worked for the NBA Store here in NYC.
I am podcaster now. I have 239 and counting podcast eps.
I’m a writer. Have a Creative Writing Degree and Publishing Certificate. Will complete a novel in 2023 (looking like it may not be completed this year. I want to have enough time to write it fully.)
Now let’s talk about opportunities. Today is special. August 20, 2022. I’m used to media press for MLW and AEW and IMPACT Wrestling. But today, I am media press for Wrestling Is Now - Live Pro Wrestling out in Roselle, NJ. It’s headlined by S.A.T.’s Maximo Brothers. I’m so thankful for this opportunity. I’ll be creating content for this event and sending it out next week. Make sure to check your emails!
Now it’s your turn!
Who you are? What you do? Hobbies? Job? Dreams? Any opportunities?
We are a supportive community! Sharing our experiences helps us learn and grow together.
Looking forward to reading the comments and responding!
Squared Circle Info is a reader-supported publication. We do community threads to support, catch up, and talk with each other! To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Hello! I'm Mike, I work on basketball analysis and media, and I'm pretty new to the wrestling world. Question for you, @Marie: out of the places you've done press for before (excluding today's event), which was your favorite to cover?
Hello! I'm Mike, I work on basketball analysis and media, and I'm pretty new to the wrestling world. Question for you, @Marie: out of the places you've done press for before (excluding today's event), which was your favorite to cover?
Hey Mike! I really enjoy doing media press for MLW. Super fun.