Top 2 Headbanga Matches for BOSJ 29 Block B
Marie Shadows is surprised El Phantasmo had a good match.
El Phantasmo vs Master Wato (one half of the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions with Taguchi.)
TJP vs El Desperado
This Best of the Super Jrs 29 Block B review is for 5.19.22.
✨El Phantasmo vs Master Wato✨
El Phantasmo surprised me with an actual good match that didn’t involve an over display of sports entertainment bullshit. Mainly…so many back rakes. It was if he was trying to prove himself against Master Wato so when the day comes and Bullet Club’s Cutest Tag Team — Taiji Ishimori and El Phantasmo — challenge Master Wato and Taguchi for their IWGP Jr Heavyweight Championships there will not be doubt in anyone’s mind as to why they are the contenders.
Master Wato also had something to prove in this challenge and did very well but in the end, El Phantasmo managed to beat him and win 2 points.
This match starts with chain wrestling — surprising. There’s a lot of speed and counters between the two. Phantasmo manages to control the match by psyching out Master Wato with a series of sliding in the ring and then sliding out to confuse him. Phantasmo did the first back rake during that series where Master Wato followed Phantasmo and Phantasmo got him in his clutches. Patience, Master Wato, patience. Then Phantasmo follows this with a delayed vertical Suplex to the floor.
We also get the famous step on balls tree of woe. We then get Master Wato doing drop kicks to Phantasmo, picking up momentum in this match with his attacks. Master Wato catches Phantasmo in Recientemente which is a modified side gutwrench driver into a crucifix pin. Phantasmo kicks out of this move. We get a top rope Super Plex from Phantasmo to Master Wato.
When Master Wato recovers somewhat, he starts on his combination attack. Phantasmo blocks and cuts him off. Phantasmo hits him with Sudden Death — without the boot being loaded — in midair as Master Wato jumps from the middle rope, and then Phantasmo follows that up with the CR2 and pins Master Wato.
A very impressive match when Phantasmo isn’t doing a lot of sports entertainment bullshit and/or Bullet Club tactics. Phantasmo is good. He just leans into the crowd reaction a little too much for my liking.
Phantasmo = 2 points | Master Water = 0 points
✨TJP vs El Desperado✨
TJP has been saving Block B for me. El Desperado is a staple in NJPW and in the Jr Division so I know he’s good and can carry the company. I was surprised that they gave El Desperado the victory in this match. TJP of course showing what he does best.
We start out with chain wrestling — TJP pulling off a Bow and Arrow and then switching it to a pin in the early start of this match. El Desperado kicked out. TJP stays on the attack over El Desperado with a drop toe hold and doing the California Dream submission then transitions to a shoulder breaker. Desperado — out of desperation — did a spear to TJP to create some space between the two.
El Desperado tries to have TJP tap while applying Numero Dos, heavily wrenching on the leg of TJP. TJP gets to the rope, causing a rope break. TJP quickly recovers and does a suplex from the top rope onto El Desperado. Using his speed next, he climbs back up to the rope and does a frog splash onto El Desperado. Desperado kicks out and out of desperation does a spinebuster once he regains enough energy.
The two know each other so well even if they haven’t fought much or consistently. El Desperado tries again for Numero Dos, bending TJP’s leg over his neck. El Desperado then grabs TJP’s wrist, adding more pain to the submission. El Desperado changed up his attack by doing a tomb buster on TJP and went for a cover. TJP kicked out.
Desperado does his Pinche Loco but TJP avoided with a bridge pin. Desperado kicked out and followed up with another Pinche Loco and got TJP. Desperado picked up the victory.
This was a fierce battle of the best in Block B.
El Desperado = 2 points | TJP = 0 points
✨Wheeler Yuta vs Douki✨
I wouldn’t mind if Wheeler Yuta uses the Cattle Mutilation. Bryan Danielson used the Cattle Mutilation back in the day.
This was a nice opener for the show. I’m still not convinced that Wheeler Yuta is a violent wrestler. We start out with a quick DDT to Yuta on the floor by Douki. We then get basic fundamental wrestling. Douki is quick in this match. Yuta does hold his own. Yuta does bite Douki’s hand. Ok…slight violent.
A strong clothesline to Douki from Yuta. Douki does a face first DDT from the second rope to Yuta. Then Douki follows it up with the Douki Chokey on Yuta. Yuta gets out of it. This is when Yuta puts the Cattle Mutilation on Douki. Dokui gets to the bottom rope, causing a rope break.
Douki tries for Day Break but Yuta kicks out of it. Yuta goes for the Daniel Bryan patent elbows to Douki and then does a seatbelt clutch pin to pick up the victory over Douki.
Wheeler Yuta = 2 points | Douki = 0 points
✨El Lindaman vs Titan✨
I was expecting El Lindaman and Titan to give better matches during Best of the Super Jrs 29 tour. I understand it’s only night 3 for Block B. But there’s El Phantasmo, Master Wato, TJP, and El Desperado putting on better performances. Their respective matches during this round robin style tournament haven’t had me invested in them. Not sure what either man needs to do at this time to get me invested.
Halfway through the match we get a chop exchanged on the edge of the apron. A thrust kick from Titan knocks El Lindaman onto the apron and then Titan goes for a double stomp. However, El Lindaman moved and does a tope con giro onto Titan.
Titan holds his knee, probably tweaking during the match. Titan manages to do a Double Stomp onto El Lindaman’s back. El Lindaman goes for a dropkick to Titan’s knee.
El Lindaman then does a Suplex Bridge Pin combination on Titan to win.
El Lindaman = 2 points | Titan = 0 points
✨Bushi vs Robbie Eagles✨
I am surprised that Bushi picked up the victory over Robbie Eagles. Finally, Bushi can gain some momentum. Robbie Eagles is good but I’m wanting something more from him rather than just being a ‘Sniper of the Skies’ and being part of Chaos.
Bushi decides to start aggressively in this match, but Eagles take flight to counter Bushi. Bushi gets his bearings to do a DDT to Robbie Eagles and then hook on the STF. Robbie gets to the ropes for a rope break. There are a lot of counters to the point where Robbie cuts off Bushi’s legs and attacks him from behind. An incoming leg lariat from Robbie to Bushi, another kick, and then a cover. Bushi kicks out. We then get a lot of powerful attacks between the two.
Robbie Eagles goes for the Ron Miller Special (see above picture) on Bushi. Bushi manages to get a rope break. Bushi is quick to counter with a hanging DDT to Robbie. Robbie manages to recover to pull off the Turbo Backpack but missed it as Bushi smartly counters that into a back cracker. Bushi is able to do a Canadian Destroyer to Robbie followed by the MX. Bushi is able to pin Robbie for the win.
This was a good match.
Bushi = 2 points | Robbie Eagles = 0 points
✨Standings as of 5.19 for Block B✨
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