The last time Kota Ibushi tweeted was on May 14, 2022. Kota Ibushi tweeted twice on that day. The first tweet was “asking for his mother to return” and the second tweet was “I won’t give in to those guys!”
It’s still a mystery to what Ibushi really means and wants to do given all that we know. Below are buttons where you can read those articles to get updated on this ongoing situation.
Today May 18, 2022, Michael Nakazawa tweeted about Ibushi. Michael Nakazawa works for AEW and is best friends with Kenny Omega. He’s been in Japan since May 7, 2022 awaiting to get his visa renewed so he can continue to work in the states.
He informs us via twitter that he spoke with HIM.
He offered to help HIM.
But HIM didn’t want help.
HIM was determined and there wasn’t anything Nakazawa could do.
Nakazawa assures HIM that he’s not alone and after talking with HIM, Nakazawa realized that even though he thinks he knows what HIM wants, what THEY want from him could be different.
Nakazawa wants to talk with HIM, still.
Below are the two tweets.
I will note that during my research, NJPW World, the subscription service that provides all the wonderful NJPW and NJPW Strong content, that they liked and retweeted the first above tweet.
They also liked a comment from a Japanese fan that expressed that they hope Kota Ibushi stays in NJPW and doesn’t think it’s impossible; and they hope that Ibushi stays as an active “pro-wrestler” in wherever he is and whatever form it is.
It has yet been confirmed or denied in an official statement from NJPW about Kota Ibushi’s social media actions and his contract.
Hey friends! This is the latest update on Kota Ibushi and NJPW. This is a free and public post. If you enjoy these updates consider using the donation / tip service over at Kofi to help me keep things going.
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