I'm Thankful For You.
Updates. Thoughts. It's the Thanksgiving holiday and yes, I'm thankful for everyone. Plus, I talk about things you may not have known that happened behind-the-scenes.
Happy Tuesday! Happy Thanksgiving season!
I’ve been meaning to write an update post. I’ve thought about a lot of things but when wanting to write it all, I go blank.
Let me be honest, I put way too much pressure on myself to deliver quality content rather than just content to your inboxes. In general, I put way too much pressure on myself regardless.
I should be asking my community the following:
What content do you want to see/read/watch to enjoy liking/sharing/commenting?
Who should I collaborate with? (I’m trying to bring over Will Grey and Allison from Botched Spots and Chair Shots)
What content would you pay for? Watching, taking notes, setting up my podcast & livestreaming gear, editing, thumbnail making, descriptions, uploading, and posting all take lots of time and effort for one person.
Substack introduced Substack Chat which is similar to a direct messaging group chat found on Twitter, Facebook, and like Whats App. Would you like to be a part of Substack Chat when it’s available to Android phone users like myself? I can’t believe I still have to wait for it. Read more here: Substack Chat sparking further discussions
I’m learning and changing my thinking on how to create conversations. I’ve noticed that I’m bad at writing good descriptions that may entice you to watch/listen to the content I post. I think this happens because I already stated my point in the video or audio podcast and don’t want to rewrite it or paraphrase it because that’s when people (including me) do the thing that’s read it and comment without read, think, and watch/listen to it to get the full content. Essentially, my show-notes suck.
I appreciate everyone opening their emails to interact with the content.
Thanksgiving is in two days. I wish you all the best and be merry with food, drink, and good people around you. I’m thankful for a lot of things. I’m thankful for YOU guys that decided to sign up and support me. I’m thankful for continuing to podcast, talk wrestling, and help out wrestlers behind-the-scenes. I’m thankful for all the connections I’ve made.
While I’m thankful for a lot of things, I’ve been depressed since the ending of October and if you’re wondering where the review podcast episodes are for New Japan Rumble on 44th Street and the rest of the NJPW content, that’s why. I’m slightly burnt out and way too much in my head thinking about how to make my next dollar, and now just creating content a little more slowly. You guys know that my goal is to work with and for NJPW. Signing a contract would be awesome. So, I asked my contacts about how to be on the media press list. Emailed NJPW. Tagged a lead on Twitter. Then emailed someone who works there and got oh so far, but it was a little too late. And no, I didn’t buy a ticket in advance since I had no money. I cried that night knowing I wouldn’t be able to go to a NYC show as media press to scream loudly and proudly about the NJPW show.
I watched the show from home, enjoyed it, but I’m taking super long to review it.
Sometimes, my brain goes like this: “Why would anyone want to know about days, weeks, months old wrestling reviews? What if my format isn’t any good?”
I enjoyed the rest of the New Japan events. Again, I’m healing to review the shows. I want to make them as compelling as possible…I guess.
I love breaking down the wrestling and explaining of the story and all that. I’m also running out of notebooks too. I learn more as I write rather than type up notes. I’m a faster writer.
Other things you may not know:
Back in the summer…I think the summer…it was this year and some months ago; Wrestling INC has a position opening for a writer/news writer. I applied and had to send in a portfolio of my writing samples because technology was not my friend that day. So, I send the writing samples, and within 30 minutes I was denied. That job was $21 an hour to write about wrestling. That would have helped balanced the free and paid content on this newsletter. This is why it’s so important to know what content and how much you are willing to pay for that content to help the overall brand to produce more exclusive content to enjoy.
I’m learning Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is another way to make passive income. I’m not expecting to get rich over night. If that happens, everyone would do so and probably wouldn’t mind. I love working from home, trying to chase the dream of making it on my own to be super independent as a content creator. Substack allows me to be independent and creating things I love that you would enjoy for your wonderful support. Affiliate Marketing to most might seem like a scam, so thankfully I’m a researcher, and I researched the best non-scam affiliate sign ups. Most brands will want to work with you if you reach out to them, if that’s something you want to do. So, I decided to do the onboarding process for CJ Affiliate. I’m looking to apply to Fite TV Affiliate Program through CJ Affiliate and others that would make sense for everyone involved such as a VPN. So, if you see in the header and footer and maybe in the body of some posts advertising these programs that I may be accepted for. Disclaimers will be appropriately placed.
I understand that free content is good content. It’s nice, warm, and simple. Everyone can read it. My numbers go up, but that’s about it. In my posts, I started to add a call button to my Paypal account. As a reminder: paypal tip/dono is there just in case monthly/yearly subscriptions don’t work for you and your budget and happen you resonated with that particular post. It’s a quick one-time help out. You donate whatever you feel comfortable with. I rely on Substack, Twitch, and Merch sales.
Things I created in Canva because I want to expand my reach on Pinterest. If you are a content creator, get a Free Business Pinterest to help you out. Pinterest is a huge search engine. I’m still trying it out. I created a food PDF that I was going to use and link it up with my sponsorship to Hello Fresh but I decided to not be sponsored by them. This time we are sponsored by Puzzles & Survival (gotta reach level 5 headquarters for your download off of my link to count)!
Marie Shadows Cook #1 PDFhttps://shopscp.creator-spring.com - if you never saw my original merch.
This isn’t a post to take the joy out of the holiday season. I’ve been keeping these thoughts and more in my head for a while. I’ve noticed that during the Robbie Eagles interview and my recent appearance on Bammer Chatter, I was a little absent minded and I can’t have that.
This post isn’t about guilting anyone into not subscribing or donating. Just a gentle reminder that I have these calls to actions and wanting the brand of Squared Circle Info to survive and that the funds will be used for traveling to wrestling shows and for food.
I want to make sure that the funds given equals the quality of content I can provide rather than cheating you out of $5-13 for regurgitating lies.
In case you missed it:
I’m surprised the above content got no video plays. Do you guys no longer want video media posts and just want audio posts? I found it strange. Let me know!
I’ll have another update, soon. Goals? Changes? Leave a comment.
Thanks for reading all this.
I appreciate everyone!