Good morning, everyone! Happy Tuesday!
On June 23, 2022, I was invited to cover MLW Battle Riot IV in New York City at the Melrose Ballroom. MLW’s team is so warm and welcoming. I got to interview Matt Cross during the pre-show media press scrum.
Matt Cross is my favorite person to listen to about wrestling. The way he speaks is very charming and relaxing. Love hearing his thoughts on pro wrestling.
Remember that this is a free preview to the full interview which is for paying subscribers. The Squared Circle Podcast & Squared Circle Info Substack Newsletter are all handled by me with no huge backing from any well-known wrestling websites. I am a one-woman wrestling content creator.
Paying Subs get:
All MLW exclusive content + all other wrestling company exclusive content.
(Future) Wrestling Interviews. Watch Aaron Henare Interview:
3. Early draft serialized wrestling fiction chapters
NJPW’s documentary series Lions Roar reviews
Tape Study Tuesdays (watching a wrestlers matches)
Wrestling articles/opinion
Highlights from the interview:
Running on 2 hours of sleep
Wants the MLW World Heavyweight Championship
In MLW it’s always a team mindset - to him - to create the matches and performances when asked about the MLW Battle Riot IV.
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