Hey guys! Wanted to send out a quick post about my podcast. It’s 3 years old already! I don’t celebrate milestones unless it’s my birthday. I like creating and pushing out content and worry about celebrations later.
The Squared Circle Podcast started on October 19, 2019. It started after Hell In A Cell 2019.
I jumped right in with no plan. I just did. And it grew.
I love all the opportunities I’ve had over the years. I love the experiences gained, cutting off online friends who never wanted to see me succeed, and more.
According to Apple Podcasts, where you can find the Squared Circle Podcast on has 252 episodes. 252 episodes in 3 years.
I just do.
Again, thank you for supporting.
I was going to write a whole blog about it but didn’t have enough time. Maybe before the end of the week, I’ll have a write up. I was writing a blog about this and wrote something so raw and real about one of my experiences in the space of podcasting, that I stopped and thinking if I should keep it.
In other news, I’ll be live on Twitch to celebrate.
Thanks for reading this quick update.